** 5 Panel Drug Cups -- Starting at $5.40 each --
-- (if you need another configuration please call or email me)
6 Panel Drug Cups -- Starting at $5.80 each -- (if you need another configuration please call or email me)
12 Panel CLIA Drug Cups with Adulterants --$8.75 each
6 Panel Drug Cups-- "Forensic Use Only"
8 Panel Drug Cups-- "Forensic Use Only" -- (if you need another configuration please call or email me)
DrugCheck Product Instruction Videos
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* Disclaimer: Forensic use only: In vitro diagnostic
products are those reagents, instruments, and
systems intended for use in the diagnosis of disease
or other conditions, including a determination of
the state of health, in order to cure, mitigate,
treat, or prevent disease or its sequel. Such
products are intended for use in the collection,
preparation, and examination of specimens taken from
the human body. Source: fda.gov. Devices or
products listed on the Express Diagnostics website
as â forensic use only are not FDA cleared and may
not be distributed or used for in-vitro medical
diagnostic or treatment purposes. These products may
not be distributed for at home or over-the-
counterâ sales in the U.S. or its territories nor
are they intended to be marketed or sold to end
users via the Internet. Products labeled as
â forensic use only are only to be sold or
distributed to law enforcement agencies, such as
prisons, sheriffs departments or drug courts and
are not to be sold or distributed to facilities such
as hospitals, pain clinics, or employment agencies.
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10 Panel Drug Cups-- "Forensic Use Only" -- (if you need another configuration please call or email me)
12 Panel Drug Cups-- "Forensic Use Only" -- (if you need another configuration please call or email me)
12 Panel Drug Cups with K2/Spice-- "Forensic Use Only" -- (if you need another configuration please call or email me)
Brochures and More
Drug Test Results Form
Instructions on how to use the cup
Drug Reference Chart/Table
Drugcup with Alcohol Brochure
Express Check Alcohol
AlcoCheck Breath Test
SalviaScan Oral Test
CLIA Waived Cups & Dips
Nxscan (New Cup Design)
Instructions and Products
NxStep(Round Cup)Drugcup Instruction Video
NxScan(Flat Cup)Drugcup Instruction Video
Dip Card Instruction Video
K-2/Spice Instruction Video
Clea Waive cup Instruction Video
SalivaScan Instruction Video
Adulterant Dip Instruction Video
AlcoCheck SC-100 Instruction Video
AlcoCheck FC-200 Instruction Video
AlcoCheck FC-90 Instruction Video
AlcoCheck Instruction Video
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P.O. Box 14
Worthington, MN 56187